AYU Women in Alts Brunch

April 25th 2023

A fantastic morning of discussion, insight and solidarity from our growing female network within AYU.

The second AYU Women in Alts Brunch with Jersey Finance, took place at the Langan's Brasserie in Mayfair. We gathered together women from different sectors of the alternatives industry, with over half the room being CEOs and company founders. We had women running traditional hedge funds, AI hedge funds, commodity trading firms, personal family offices, and real estate funds - the full spectrum! 

A fantastic morning of discussion, insight and solidarity from our growing female network within AYU.

Discussion topics included:

  • ESG motivations - how relevant is this to your investment portfolio? And the drawbacks that come with 'greenwashing' for image rather than altruistic motivations

  • Fund domicile - Jersey as a specialist centre for the alternative asset classes and how the recent Cayman scandals have changed perceptions on where to base your fund

  • Compliance and DD for emerging funds, cap intro and the administrative issues that come along with building a fund

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